v2 Optimal scoring algorithm (quality)
v1 Faster but not guaranteed to find the optimal result (performance)
length Prefers line with shorter length
begin Prefers line with matched substring closer to the beginning
end Prefers line with matched substring closer to the end
index Prefers line that appeared earlier in the input stream
- Each criterion should appear only once in the list
- index is only allowed at the end of the list
- index is implicitly appended to the list when not specified
- Default is length (or equivalently length,index)
- If end is found in the list, fzf will scan each line backwards
default Display from the bottom of the screen
reverse Display from the top of the screen
reverse-list Display from the top of the screen, prompt at the bottom
Each part can be given in absolute number or in percentage relative to the
terminal size with % suffix.
fzf --margin 10%
fzf --margin 1,5%
default Display on the next line to the prompt
inline Display on the same line
hidden Do not display finder info
dark Color scheme for dark 256-color terminal
light Color scheme for light 256-color terminal
16 Color scheme for 16-color terminal
bw No colors (equivalent to --no-color)
fg Text
bg Background
preview-fg Preview window text
preview-bg Preview window background
hl Highlighted substrings
fg+ Text (current line)
bg+ Background (current line)
gutter Gutter on the left (defaults to bg+)
hl+ Highlighted substrings (current line)
info Info
border Border of the preview window and horizontal separators (--border)
prompt Prompt
pointer Pointer to the current line
marker Multi-select marker
spinner Streaming input indicator
header Header
# Seoul256 theme with 8-bit colors
# (https://github.com/junegunn/seoul256.vim)
fzf --color='bg:237,bg+:236,info:143,border:240,spinner:108' \
--color='hl:65,fg:252,header:65,fg+:252' \
# Seoul256 theme with 24-bit colors
fzf --color='bg:#4B4B4B,bg+:#3F3F3F,info:#BDBB72,border:#6B6B6B,spinner:#98BC99' \
--color='hl:#719872,fg:#D9D9D9,header:#719872,fg+:#D9D9D9' \
fzf exports $FZF_PREVIEW_LINES and $FZF_PREVIEW_COLUMNS so that they represent the exact size of the preview window. (It also overrides $LINES and $COLUMNS with the same values but they can be reset by the default shell, so prefer to refer to the ones with FZF_PREVIEW_ prefix.)
A placeholder expression starting with + flag will be replaced to the space-separated list of the selected lines (or the current line if no selection was made) individually quoted.
fzf --multi --preview='head -10 {+}'
git log --oneline | fzf --multi --preview 'git show {+1}'
When using a field index expression, leading and trailing whitespace is stripped from the replacement string. To preserve the whitespace, use the s flag.
Also, {q} is replaced to the current query string, and {n} is replaced to zero-based ordinal index of the line. Use {+n} if you want all index numbers when multiple lines are selected.
A placeholder expression with f flag is replaced to the path of a temporary file that holds the evaluated list. This is useful when you multi-select a large number of items and the length of the evaluated string may exceed ARG_MAX.
# Press CTRL-A to select 100K items and see the sum of all the numbers.
# This won't work properly without 'f' flag due to ARG_MAX limit.
seq 100000 | fzf --multi --bind ctrl-a:select-all \
--preview "awk '{sum+=1} END {print sum}' {+f}"
Note that you can escape a placeholder pattern by prepending a backslash.
Preview window will be updated even when there is no match for the current query if any of the placeholder expressions evaluates to a non-empty string.
If size is given as 0, preview window will not be visible, but fzf will still execute the command in the background.
A field index expression can be a non-zero integer or a range expression ([BEGIN]..[END]). --nth and --with-nth take a comma-separated list of field index expressions.
Unless specified otherwise, fzf will start in "extended-search mode". In this mode, you can specify multiple patterns delimited by spaces, such as: 'wild ^music .mp3$ sbtrkt !rmx
You can prepend a backslash to a space (\ ) to match a literal space character.
e.g. ^core go$ | rb$ | py$
--bind takes a comma-separated list of binding expressions. Each binding expression is KEY:ACTION or EVENT:ACTION.
fzf --bind=ctrl-j:accept,ctrl-k:kill-line
# Moves cursor to the top (or bottom depending on --layout) whenever the query is changed
fzf --bind change:top
abort ctrl-c ctrl-g ctrl-q esc
accept enter double-click
accept-non-empty (same as accept except that it prevents fzf from exiting without selection)
backward-char ctrl-b left
backward-delete-char ctrl-h bspace
backward-kill-word alt-bs
backward-word alt-b shift-left
beginning-of-line ctrl-a home
cancel (clear query string if not empty, abort fzf otherwise)
clear-screen ctrl-l
clear-selection (clear multi-selection)
clear-query (clear query string)
delete-char del
delete-char/eof ctrl-d
deselect-all (deselect all matches)
down ctrl-j ctrl-n down
end-of-line ctrl-e end
execute(...) (see below for the details)
execute-silent(...) (see below for the details)
execute-multi(...) (deprecated in favor of {+} expression)
forward-char ctrl-f right
forward-word alt-f shift-right
jump (EasyMotion-like 2-keystroke movement)
jump-accept (jump and accept)
kill-word alt-d
next-history (ctrl-n on --history)
page-down pgdn
page-up pgup
preview-down shift-down
preview-up shift-up
previous-history (ctrl-p on --history)
print-query (print query and exit)
reload(...) (see below for the details)
replace-query (replace query string with the current selection)
select-all (select all matches)
toggle (right-click)
toggle-all (toggle all matches)
toggle+down ctrl-i (tab)
toggle-in (--layout=reverse* ? toggle+up : toggle+down)
toggle-out (--layout=reverse* ? toggle+down : toggle+up)
toggle+up btab (shift-tab)
top (move to the top result)
unix-line-discard ctrl-u
unix-word-rubout ctrl-w
up ctrl-k ctrl-p up
yank ctrl-y
Multiple actions can be chained using + separator.
fzf --bind 'ctrl-a:select-all+accept'
With execute(...) action, you can execute arbitrary commands without leaving fzf. For example, you can turn fzf into a simple file browser by binding enter key to less command like follows.
fzf --bind "enter:execute(less {})"
You can use the same placeholder expressions as in --preview.
If the command contains parentheses, fzf may fail to parse the expression. In that case, you can use any of the following alternative notations to avoid parse errors.
fzf switches to the alternate screen when executing a command. However, if the command is expected to complete quickly, and you are not interested in its output, you might want to use execute-silent instead, which silently executes the command without the switching. Note that fzf will not be responsive until the command is complete. For asynchronous execution, start your command as a background process (i.e. appending &).
reload(...) action is used to dynamically update the input list without restarting fzf. It takes the same command template with placeholder expressions as execute(...).
See https://github.com/junegunn/fzf/issues/1750 for more info.
# Update the list of processes by pressing CTRL-R
ps -ef | fzf --bind 'ctrl-r:reload(ps -ef)' --header 'Press CTRL-R to reload' \
--header-lines=1 --layout=reverse
# Integration with ripgrep
RG_PREFIX="rg --column --line-number --no-heading --color=always --smart-case "
fzf --bind "change:reload:$RG_PREFIX {q} || true" \
--ansi --phony --query "$INITIAL_QUERY"
Extra Vim plugin: