use Tie::LevelDB; tie my %hash, 'Tie::LevelDB', "/tmp/testdb"; # Use the %hash array untie %hash; -- OR -- use Tie::LevelDB; my $db = new Tie::LevelDB::DB("/tmp/testdb"); $db->Put("Google","Don't be evil!"); print $db->Get("Google")."\n"; $db->Delete("Google"); my $batch = new Tie::LevelDB::WriteBatch; $batch->Delete("Google"); $batch->Put("Microsoft","Where Do you Want to Go Today?"); $db->Write($batch); my $it = $db->NewIterator; for($it->SeekToFirst;$it->Valid;$it->Next) { print $it->key.": ".$it->value."\n"; }
Interface is implemented both as a reflection of an original LevelDB C++ API and a Perl-ish TIEHASH mechanism.
Perl support for Options specification is not covered.
To use SNAPPY compression method, install it from <> first and then re-install this module.
LevelDB sources (version 2011-07-29) are bundled with this packages.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.10.1 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.