Secure and efficient FTP server Free, secure, production-quality and standard-conformant FTP server. Features include chrooted home directories, virtual domains, built-in 'ls', anti-warez system, configurable ports for passive downloads, FXP protocol, bandwidth throttling, ratios, fortune files, Apache-like log files, fast standalone mode, atomic uploads, text / HTML / XML real-time status report, virtual users, virtual quotas, privilege separation, SSL/TLS and more. . Yazzy improvements: * Anonymous can bypass TLS even if forced by -Y > 1 flag. * In case of MySQL authentication quota being updated into database rather than dot-file. * Configure options: --with-tls --with-peruserlimits --with-virtualchroot --with-uploadscript --with-welcomemsg --with-ftpwho --with-pam --with-extauth --with-mysql --with-quotas --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc --localstatedir=/var --with-rfc2640 Manual and Help Documents